
Music expresses what we cannot say with words.

Music therapy makes audible what seems inexpressible. My therapy methods are based on mindfulness, and it’s always about listening to one’s own sound in this one moment. We do not always need words. If you listen carefully, you can understand.

There are no words.
You keep returning to the same point over and over again.
Feel misunderstood.
You feel triggered by things.
But you don’t know why.

Music transports every person to a different place. Towards their deepest feelings, innermost thoughts, in the here and now. You don’t have to be a musician or musical. Previous experience is not necessary but also very welcome. When we make or listen to music, we are far less likely to hide behind verbal statements. Right or wrong, good and bad, are irrelevant here. Understanding happens on a different level. I will accompany you. To strengthen you and help you to find yourself.


ORF Beitrag

Danke an das ORF Team insbesondere Gisela Hafner(Moderation) für diesen schönen Beitrag.

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Filmprojekt: ARTE Wissenschaft Dokumentation und 3sat Wissen „Wissen hoch2“

Vagus – der Supernerv: Die unterschätzte Kraft des Vagus* Das geplante Dokumentarfilmprojekt für ARTE Wissenschaft widmet sich der faszinierenden Rolle des Vagusnervs, insbesondere seiner Bedeutung für Entspannung und Erholung im menschlichen Körper. Der Film wird aktuelle medizinische und therapeutische Erkenntnisse…

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ICPM 2024 27th world congress – Advancing Psychosomatic Medicine in a Challenging World

Das Programm beim ICPM 2024 steht fest. Ich freue mich am Donnerstag, den 19. September um 14.00 Uhr mit einem musiktherapeutischen Vortrag dabei zu sein. Short Talks 03 – Health Services Research Thursday, 19 September 2024, 13:30-15:00 https://www.eventclass.it/icpm2024/scientific/online-program/session?s=ST03

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Lange Nacht der Forschung


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Ein Tag für MICH!

Ausschreibung neu

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You need space for yourself. Too many people overwhelm you. Or you are interested in exchanging experiences in a group. Others may feel the same way.

In individual therapy, we work on your specific issues and needs, and I accompany you as you engage with yourself. In group therapy, the focus is on sharing, which makes this treatment valuable and emotionally rewarding.




My academic work allows me to conduct research in the field of music therapy, collaborate nationally and internationally, gain new insights, look at my clinical practice experience from a theoretical perspective, and test my treatment theories in practice.

Exploring innovative approaches, conducting studies, and developing the discipline of music therapy is a pursuit that I am fully committed to with curiosity and joy.