Anja Schäfer MAS, Ph.D.

As a practicing music therapist, doctor, researcher, lecturer, speaker, professional association member, and author, I engage with music therapy in a variety of ways. In all of my activities and responsibilities, I want to continue to learn, research, and understand. I aim to further the understanding of musical therapy for myself and others.

Self-employed clinical music therapist (§7 MuthG)

Being mindful in everyday life is a central approach in my therapeutic methods and my own life.


Lecturer in the field of music therapy methods with focus on adult psychiatry

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

Certification Teaching Music Therapist DMtG

Certification as Teaching Music Therapist with the German Society for Music Therapy

2016 - 2022
Doctorate Music Therapy

Study topic: "Mindfulness-based Receptive Music Therapy In People With Depression - A randomized controlled pilot study evaluating heart rate variability and mindfulness".
Reviewers: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Weymann, Hamburg University of Music and Theatre
Univ. Prof. Dr. Maximilian Moser, Medical University Graz

Research associate at the Department of Music Therapy Studies and Research

University of Augsburg

2015 - 2021
Head of the Department of Music Therapy

Barmherzige Brüder Graz (Brothers of Mercy Hospital)
Establishment and implementation of music therapy in the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Inpatient treatment for patients with affective disorders, depression, personality disorders, addiction, trauma and pain.

2012 - 2014
Upgrade Master's program leading to the degree of Master of Advanced Studies in Clinical Music Therapy

Study topic: "Receptive Music Therapy With Depressive Patients". ZHdK (Zurich University of the Arts)
Reviewers: Dr. Barbara Gindl, Dr. Martin Deuter

2005 - 2014
Head of the Department of Music Therapy

Care Center Kainbach, Barmherzige Brüder, Graz
Establishment of a music therapy unit and implementation of music therapy in the long-term therapy of patients with single and multiple disabilities, developmental delays, personality disorders, depression, autism.

SINCE 2010
Lecturer and member of the examination board

Music Therapy Program - Graz Training for Music Therapy (GRAMUTH)
University of Music and Performing Arts in cooperation with the Medical University of Graz and the University of Graz (Karl-Franzens)

SINCE 2007
Independent (according to § 7 MuthG) and self-employed work as a music therapist at the following institutions (selection):

House of Education Mariatrost, Graz; Styrian College of Education, Psychosocial Counseling Center Granatengasse (GFSG), Graz; Private Clinic Ragnitz, Graz; Social Therapeutic Center "Haus Sonnleiten", Mitterdorf an der Raab; Center for Housing and Education "Aufwind", Graz; Integration School Afritsch, Graz

2003 - 2007
Psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course

Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz



Music Imagery Training

supportive level I, Sonora, online

Music-imaginative Pain Treatment

Network Music - Music-imaginative Pain Treatment

Certification - ChronoCardiography Part I and Part II

Univ. Prof. Dr. Maximilian Moser, Human Research Institute GmbH, Institute for Health Technology and Prevention Research, Weiz,
Medical University of Graz

Certification MBSR Mindfulness Training

Mag. Jörg Trettler, Graz

Music Therapy Balint Group Work

Dr. med Urs Rüegg

Vocal Training and Studies (selection)

David Mc Shane, Kristin Linklater, Mag. Schirin Zareh, Miriam Helle, Romeo Alavi Kia,
Mag. Agata Pisko, Siegfried Eberlein, Monika Schmidt

Integrative Breath and Voice Training®

Romeo Alavi Kia und Dr. Renate Schulze-Schindler