
How do you sound now?

Music means to hear sounds. It can simply be there, like your emotions, just as it happens. Playing music means allowing thoughts to be. Letting go of language and giving shape to your feelings. The expression in play, and the creativity in sound, help to make us aware of this moment. Each person creates an entirely different, unique sound in the process. In this way, the perceived feeling is part of the effective treatment.

Focus Areas

Depression Anxiety Panic Attacks Trauma & Consequence Disorders Pain Addiction Eating Disorders Sleep Disorders Personality Development Burnout Existential Crises


Individual therapy
Group therapy
Teaching therapy certified DMtG

All treatments are subject to legal confidentiality according to MuthG §32 (1-5)

Duration & Prices

Take time – for yourself. The cornerstone of therapeutic treatment is a trusting and reliable relationship.

Initial consultation: 30 minutes / 40 €
Individual therapy: 50 minutes / 90€ / unit
Group therapy: 90 minutes / depending on course offer

Depending on private insurance, subsidies may be available. There is currently no reimbursement through public health insurance.

Appointments that you cannot keep must be canceled 24 hours in advance by phone (voicemail) or text message. Appointments without prior notice will be charged.